28 December 2008

Tips Memulai Bisnis

Tips Memulai Bisnis

Kamis, 25 Desember 2008 | 14:18 WIB

Untuk memulai usaha memang dibutuhkan modal. Namun, menurut perencana keuangan Ligwina Hananto, modal awal tak bisa ditentukan jumlah pastinya. Modal awal bisa berupa uang, barang, bahkan jasa. Bila Anda memutuskan ingin menjadi seorang konsultan seperti yang dijalani Ligwina, misalnya, bisa jadi modal awal yang dibutuhkan bukan berupa uang, melainkan sebuah komputer atau laptop.

“Saya meminjam laptop mertua ketika baru memulai bisnis. Tidak apa-apa, yang penting berani menghadapi tantangan dan menjalani secara tekun. Ketika usaha ini sudah berjalan, baru mulai merapikan rencana bisnisnya. Saya pun pernah gagal, kok, dalam berbisnis. Memang, orang cenderung takut gagal karena berurusan dengan uang,” kisah Ligwina soal ihlwal usahanya.

Oleh karena itu, Ligwina menyarankan, saat akan memulai bisnis, awali dengan membereskan hal-hal kecil terlebih dahulu di dalam keluarga. Misalnya, menstabilkan dulu kondisi keuangan keluarga. Setelah itu, tetapkan hati mengenai usaha apa yang akan digeluti. Bila bidang yang akan dijalani sesuai dengan minat dan bakat, kata Ligwina, akan lebih mudah menjalaninya.

Bahkan, imbuhnya, memulai bisnis tak akan terganjal oleh waktu. Sebelum atau setelah pensiun pun membuka usaha tetap bisa dijalankan. Kendati demikian, bila seseorang baru memulai membuka usaha di usia yang sudah lanjut, kendalanya adalah penyesuaian diri dengan realitas masa kini yang akan menjadi lebih sulit.

Tak heran bila kemudian Ligwina menyarankan, bila ingin memulai usaha, lakukan dari sekarang tanpa perlu menunggu pensiun dan usia sudah semakin tua. “Pelan-pelan sajalah membuat rencana dari sekarang, ingin punya bisnis apa sambil menabung untuk mengumpulkan modalnya. Menurut saya, sudah enggak zamannya lagi sekarang hidup hanya mengandalkan dari gaji bulanan saja,” tukasnya.

Bila seseorang tak punya bakat berwirausaha, kata Ligwina, tak perlu berkecil hati dan menyurutkan niat untuk membuka usaha sendiri. Orang tipe seperti ini bisa mengandalkan aset aktif. “Ada tiga aset yang bisa dijalankan, yaitu usaha kecil seperti membuka warung gado-gado atau toko baju anak. Lalu usaha yang lebih besar seperti menyewakan rumah petak, kamar indekos, kios, atau apartemen. Terakhir surat berharga, artinya jika punya uang besar dapat dialihkan ke surat berharga yang bisa menghasilkan uang.”

Ligwina menyarankan, sebelum pensiun, idealnya setiap orang sudah memiliki ketiga aset tadi. “Paling tidak, punya satu aset saja, deh. Jadi tidak hanya mengandalkan gaji bulanan saja; dan jangan lupa, kondisi keuangan harus tetap sehat,” ingat Ligwina. Yang tak kalah pentingnya, berapa pun besarnya gaji Anda, usahakan agar selalu ada sisa untuk ditabung.

Namun, terkadang seseorang terkena penyakit panik ketika pensiun mendapat uang dalam jumlah besar. Bila tidak punya rencana yang jelas, kata Ligwina, sebanyak apa pun uang yang dimiliki akan habis percuma. Maka, akan lebih baik bila saat ini belum merencanakan akan membuka usaha, buat rencana jangka panjang yang akan dilakukan selepas pensiun.

“Buat rencana matang, uang berjumlah besar itu akan digunakan untuk apa saja, termasuk membuka usaha, misalnya. Jika bingung, serahkan saja persoalan ini ke perencana keuangan. Agar si pemilik uang juga tahu risikonya bila hartanya diinvestasikan; dan ingat, jika ingin berinvestasi, diperlukan mental yang kuat karena risikonya juga cukup tinggi,” tutur Ligwina mengingatkan. Nah, kapan Anda berani memulai?

04 December 2008

membangun jiwa kepemimpinan

“Kalian adalah pemimpin, maka kalian akan dimintai pertanggunganjawaban. Penguasa adalah pemimpin, maka akan dimintai pertanggungjawaban atas kepemimpinannya. Suami adalah pemimpin keluarganya, maka akan dimintai pertanggungjawaban atas kepemimpinannya. Istri adalah pemimpin (rumah tangga suaminya), maka akan dimintai pertanggungjawabannya. Pelayan adalah pemimpin (atas harta tuannya), maka akan dimintai pertanggungjawaban atas pengelolaannya. Oleh karena kalian adalah pemimpin, maka kalian akan dimintai pertanggungjawabannya.” (HR Bukhari-Muslim)

LeadershipSecara sederhana pemimpin sejati adalah mereka-mereka yang memiliki kemampuan menjelajahi hati pengikutnya. Hal itu ditandai dari kepemimpinannya yang apabila makin menempati posisi-posisi linggi, maka semakin tinggi pula kearifannya. Pemimpin semacam ini akan mampu membangkitkan kesadaran orang-orang yang dipimpinnya. Sehingga dengan kepemimpinannya akan membuat mau orang-orang yang dipimpinnya.

Adapun untuk memahami ini perlu diyakini bahwa bakat kepemimpinan itu sebenarnya tidak dilahirkan. Bakat tersebut muncul melalui keterampilan yang terus diasah dan ditumbuhkembangkan. Memang ada pemimpin yang hanya fasih berbicara. Namun sebelumnya, kalau ia tidak memiliki ilmu, ia tidak sering berlatih, maka bisa jadi kata-katanya terpeleset pada kesalahan. Begitu juga kalau ada seorang pemimpin yang berani. Kalau tidak sering-sering dilatih, maka keberaniannya suatu saat akan banyak berbuah kezaliman.

Seseorang bila disebut sebagai pemimpin cirinya dapat pula kita saksikan dari kematangan pribadi dan karyanya. Ia memiliki visi yang sangat jauh ke depan. Ia mampu menggali dan mensinergikan potensi. la iuga mampu memotivasi, bail lewat leteladanan maupun kata-katanya yang arif. Dan ini semua didapatkan melalui latihan-latihan yang memakan waktu cukup lama.

Di sini timbul pertanyaan, apa yang membedakan seorang pemimpin dengan manajer? Jawabannya adalah, pemimpin atau leader adalan orang yang bisa membangun semangat serta menumbuhkan ide dan gagasan bagi orang-orang yang dipimpinnya. Jadi, selain bekerja, pemimpin itu memiliki kemampuan menjadikan orang-orangnya kaya akan ide-ide segar.

Seorang pemimpin mampu menyuruh karyawannya dengan menerapkan ide-ide orisinal yang ia telurkan, sehingga si karyawan yang disuruhnya tidak merasa disuruh. Sebaliknya, seorang manajer hanya berkemampuan mengarankan karyawan untuk bekerja dan menyelesaikan tugasnya dengan lebin baik.

Oleh sebab itu, untuk tampil menjadi seorang pemimpin, kita perlu mempunyai kesempatan menafakuri lingkungan sekitar. Pertama-tama, perlu membaca potensi diri. Setelah potensi diri dapat terbaca, baru meluaskan pengaruh dengan melihat potensi diluar diri.

Potensi-potensi ini, kalau tidak terbaca, suatu saat kelak ia akan tetap terpendam dan makin tak tergali. Padahal setiap orang di sekitar kita mempunyai pengalaman, mempunyai masa lalu. Mereka-mereka yang mempunyai pengalaman gagal di masa lalu sesungguhnya merupakan aset yang berharga. Karena, dengan bercermin dari kegagalan masa lampau, mereka akan lebih berhati-hati lagi dalam berusaha. Artinya, seorang pemimpin itu pada dasarnya adalah orang yang selalu belajar dan terus mengembangkan kemampuannya, sehingga ia menjadi contoh teladan bagi yang dipimpinnya.

Dalam hal ini, seandainya kita yang menjadi pemimpin, maka logikanya kita adalah contoh keteladanan. Orang-orang yang dipimpin akan mengikuti teladan pemimpinnya. Kalau pemimpinnya baik, rakyatnya selaku pengikut akan baik pula. Sebaliknya, kalau keteladanan pemimpinnya buruk, imbasnya ialah, rakyatnya pun ikut buruk.

Solusi setelah evaluasi mengenai kondisi kepemimpinan. Pemimpinnya harus ada kesadaran bahwa mereka adalah contoh buat rakyatnya, teladan bagi pengikutnya. Sehingga, kalau sudah merasa diri ini sebagai teladan, jangan pernah sedikit pun menyuruh orang lain sebelum menyuruh dirinya sendiri. Jangan pernah melarang orang sebelum melarang diri sendiri. Di sini berlaku, “Kabura maqtan indallahi an taquulu ma laa taf aluun“. Amat besar kemurkaan Allah buat orang yang berkata tetapi tidak mengerjakan apa yang ia katakan. Jadi seimbangkan antara kata-kata dan perbuatan.

Jika saat ini kita disanjung banyak orang, dipuji banyak khalayak, pada dasarnya itu bukan karena kecerdasan kita, juga bukan karena gelar kita. Demi Allah! itu terjadi karena Allah sendiri yang menutupi aib kita, kekurangan kita. Kalau kemudian itu dibeberkan oleh-Nya, apa jadinya diri kita ini. Mudah-mudahan solusi pertama ini menjadi kesadaran global.

Yang kedua. Sudah saatnya, program “bening hati” ini disosialisasikan pada semua pihak. Tentunya dikerjakan secara sistematis berkesinambungan. Agar semua pihak punya pemahaman bahwa kebahagiaan hidup, kesuksesan hidup itu sebenarnya didirikan diatas fondasi kemuliaan akhlak. Sebab, kemuliaan itu bukan dilihat dari kehormatan orangnya, bukan dari kedudukannya atau hartanya yang banyak, tetapi dari kualitas akhlak orangnya. Nah, kalau program ini telah membudaya, bisa membuat semua orang lebih berpikir ke arah hakikat hidup yang sebenarnya, yang pada intinya berangkat dari kebeningan hati.

Jika yang pertama adalah contoh keteladanan dan yang kedua adalah pembinaan yang sistematis dan berkesinambungan. Maka yang ketiganya, semua itu harus dipelihara dengan sistem yang kondusif. Di mana sistem ini dibangun oleh orang-orang yang telah memperhatikan hatinya. Hasilnya akan terlihat dari produk yang mereka hasilkan. Misalnya, perundangan-undangan atau peraturan yang mereka keluarkan justru membuat keadilan makin tegak. Orang enggan untuk berbuat buruk karena adilnya peraturan yang dibuat oleh orang-orang yang memiliki keteladanan perilaku yang tinggi yaitu kemuliaan akhlak. Disini keadilan tegak tanpa kebencian.

Yang Terakhir, yang patut benar-benar kita perhatikan sesudah ketiganya terpenuhi adalah membangun dengan “kekuatan ruhiyah.” Sebab dengan kekuatan ini kita punya sandaran yang teguh, kokoh dan Maha Kuat, Yaitu Allah SWT. Kita ini, Laa hawla wa laa quwwata ilia billah. Kekuatan untuk membangun ada pada kekuatan yang dititipkan Allah pada kita. Untuk itu, setiap ada Kesulitan sekecil apa pun, atau sebesar apapun, akan ringan kalau dikembalikan pada-Nya.

Dengan begitu, mudah-mudahan kita akan dibimbing-Nya untuk tahu bagaimana mendaya-gunakan amanah yang ada. Semoga kita dapat membangun kebersamaan yang menumbuhkan “kekuatan ruhiyah” tersebut. Wallahua’lam.

Etos By :Jansen Sinamo


Sebuah kisah buruk dalam hidup kita seringkali dianggap sebagai bencana. Padahal jika kita ingat pepatah ‘Kegagalan Adalah Sukses Yang Tertunda’ maka sebenarnya kegagalan itu bisa dijadikan batu loncatan untuk meraih kesuksesan.

“FENOMENA ETOS DALAM DUNIA KERJA (Perjalanan Dengan Pesawat)”
16 November 2007


Kali ini Pak Jansen berbagi cerita perjalanannya yang berkaitan dengan etos 8 ( Pelayanan ). Dimana saat itu Pak Jansen akan melakukan perjalanan menuju Medan. Pak Jansen kebetulan memegang tiket Frequent Fly kelas ekonomi.


2 November 2007


Adalah seorang pemuda yang bekerja menggembalakan kerbau – kerbau para tetangganya di desa. Setiap hari pemuda itu menggembalakan kerbau – kerbau itu dipadang gembalaan yang tak jauh letaknya dari pemukiman desa. Awalnya pemuda itu menerima tanggung jawabnya dengan penuh sukacita. Setiap hari pemuda ini bekerja penuh semangat. Dia memberi makan kerbau – kerbau itu, memandikannya sambil bermain seruling, bersenandung dan menari.

02 December 2008

iklan kita semua

29 November 2008

26 November 2008

23 November 2008

a man again, I always
not appreciated, reaching peak performance as a famous musician. Meanwhile, in life itself, Andrew has not been to any. All that is intended to make it more feeling in the low self. But life brings total failure?

In a dramatic reunion that he found how expensive the price they must pay, how grievous pain they experienced by the success. And Andrew Elliot participate revolve vacillate in the middle of passion, laughter, tragedy, and no ambition restrained members of Class 58.

The Class, one of the works of Erich Segal. Actually, these novels, including novels long, but the family re-printed again. The original, this novel output in 1985 (several years after my birth ... Alicante). Although I jebot, but the story is so outdated. Cucok still feel that my condition with a graduate university also ehmm ... 'quite popular'. Segal is a graduate of Harvard, and he also professors at the university. He taught Greek and Latin literature. In addition, he also taught at Yale and Princeton. So, can be very Segal know the circumstances of Harvard to become the background story in this novel (most of the family Barry Segal at Harvard's like a super ....). What is interesting is, in some of these stories may describe themselves Segal own.

The main figures in this story is Andrew Elliot, a descendant of the Elliot family influence is in education, especially at Harvard, and also in the American Revolution. With the background, he feels very answer to achieve 'success'. But despite the heavy burden which, he successfully completed the course and joined the Navy to meet the obligations militernya, although he was initially only be 'inferior army of' the duty to clean the ship. Andrew is a very good friend for all the audience. It is typical of people who do not consider the status of a person. He was even happy to lend the rooms Theodore Lambros so it can double with unimpeded.

But Andrew Elliot, a friend is not sebahagia-i, at least, that there dipikirannya. After the Navy, he worked as a banker father's wishes, the task was associated with Harvard in history. He was married with children classmate's father only to divorce after they have 2 children. She appeared like berselingkuh and drunk, and he never could blow it. His wife entered their second child to a boarding school, so they rarely met with. Then, when his son has started to depart adults, children do not like About a father and follow a flow of trust in India. Elliot lives feel downright incoherent, and he felt jealous to see the success of audience. But at the end of the story, he finally know that life friends is not better from. Each of them has a sad story, and each failure. And Andrew Elliot feel lucky in the end because he can become head of a reunion 25 years force them, and make a successful run.

But this novel is not only recounts the life of a Andrew Elliot. Many stories about friends Andrew course, even as observers the impression Andrew life friends (Too, like I do or say). There Theodore Lambros, the descendant of Greek students who become professors and Latin at Harvard. Ted finally be in love with a divorced Indeed, Sara, turbulence, he berselingkuh with a mahasiswinya. Then there's Daniel Rossi, pianist wizard who fought hard to remove the shadow of older self father. He eventually became famous pianist, play for Broadway, but the life of the household is more his career. He experienced a dependence on drugs and concept, and finally one of the experienced hands disfungsi motorist so that he can not control. But this is even bringing harmony in the family.

There are also stories of life or George Keller Gyuri Kolozsdi, a fugitive Hungarian politician who eventually became White House. Life full of suspicion, he is not able to forget emori when he left the kekasihnya in Budapest, and even he was not able to maintain a marriage. Finally, he suicides Andrew and ask all the rich they send to their families in Hungary.

But the story of life's most impressive is the story of my life Jason Gilbert, Jr.. Jason is a son of a Jewish family would not recognize them Jewish. They do not want to follow the tradition of Jewish families, the Unitarian Church. Jason is a personable children, many women liked and highly champion in the sport, especially tennis. Graduated from Harvard, he was obliged to follow the military even though his career is not too good here. When he has a fiancee Christian Netherlands. When ready for this to go to Israel to visit a friend, he was killed by a bomb explosion. This brought Jason to go to the parent land of Israel. If at the end of Israel, he joined the army of Israel, where he obtained a 'grandfather' as a soldier in the oldest rate. Very good career here, and he eventually married friends are ready and have children. But eventually he died in a rescue operation in Uganda, citizens of Israel. Make me, Jason is a great life. It means that, after death.

This novel is very effective for me. This time there is a new novel that I bring to life that is still very long, although we have graduated from university. 25 years is not the time to shoot a short wave and ripple life. We see so what about in 25 years, may be quite interesting if I will write in a book.The Last Sentences,Thanks so much for you

20 November 2008

the secret behind the success

The Samurai Leader: Leaders Key Characters success

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Wednesday, 23 July 2008 14:35 KB Review
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Book Cover

Book Cover
Jakarta, KEY run business in order to exist and develop is how to create a product and salable can benefit (profit). But to realize two things that, obviously not easy. Because to be able to successfully meet the cash - the company - must be supported products that meet the quality of the market, telling the campaign, management of a strong, reliable way of selling the company and led by a manager who has a commitment; faithful, honest, not easily surrender, jelly in the decision to take, the wise and ready for combat.

Then, like what the manager is able to meet the criteria? For Bill Diffenderffer as disclosed in the book first, in April 2008 setebal 320 pages published Daras Books, Jakarta, The Samurai Leader, and other managers who are leaders have a samurai soul. Because in the eyes Diffenderffer, during the twenty-five years in the business, he saw how attitudes samurai generate success for the company even when obstacles block, proved "samurai character" of a leader that can lead success.

Instead, he sees a lot of failure on the root of the problem of non-action samurai; leaders resign from the war necessary, no matter the executive officer, a brilliant thinker, without discretion, the nature of the only selfish, have no loyalty or personality without a rebel self or moral principles (p. 22).

Diffenderffer not defined, the business and war are two different things. Moreover, the teachings of Samurai have collapsed in the mid-nineteenth century past. So what should diteladani of samurai heroism to run the business? Diffenderffer responsibility, character and approach the manager holding the samurai code. Because the code is able to deliver business leaders have a strong foundation building a career to make them successful.

Although the business world and war are two that same field, but in the eyes Diffenderffer, still have many similarities. Not one of the techniques used to defeat an opponent in battle, often adopted as a reference for running the business. Therefore, Sun Tze book The Art of War (which actually criticize the war strategy) is not infrequently used as a reference to business strategy. Because in the battle are seizing the business market, won the legal charges, financing the optimum level of political and policy related to a country and internationally.

In the context of that equation, the manager charged spirited leaders such as samurai. Diffenderffer not to win the experience and industry expertise as an important foundation to run the business. But two things is not enough, if not forever be the character manager samurai leader. Because in the eyes Diffenderffer, courage and honor of others is also important. Moreover, understanding the importance of tradition samurai character in the individual institutions. So, it should be noted that important; samurai living and working in the unit and structured organization that is not much different with the company.

No one, if Bill Diffenderffer managers look to the samurai code to run the business. Because behind the success of samurai, not because the other holding the samurai honor, courage, (and dare to act with the spirit of warrior), loyalty, welas Asih (pay attention to the interests of other people), honesty, decency maintain polite (to honor people) and self-control. By adopting the code samurai, the manager will not have difficulty mempimpin team, through, defeat and pass through various obstacles.

Furthermore, managers must know when the battle for the truth without fear, combat carefully, uphold the honor and not override welas Asih. Because the business in two battleground in the company (internal) and grab market share battle (external). But the characters samurai leader, it is necessary to distinguish the manager because the business world battle and the war is a matter of morality, tactics and strategies to overcome the opponent.

By adopting the samurai code, managers can be not only a leader who has charisma in the eyes of employees (with high fidelity), but also can generate profits for the company - because he won the battle. Code samurai teach courage, honor and loyalty. If the code is adopted to run the business will build a foundation other than the manager's character, also can change the conditions of the nearly bankrupt company to rise again so the company respite.

Bill Diffenderffer experience, the author of this book - which is also a lawyer working for corporate finance, consultant for IBM and CEO of the leading travel technology company - has proven efficacy that samurai code. The time he started a career as a CEO systemOne the dihantam bankruptcy of $ 50-60 million. he apply the leadership of samurai and are passing through a crisis and even bring systemOne obtain $ 600 million from some transactions. Indeed in extraordinary! Actually, at that time many doubted the business can survive, especially SystemOne can face competitors that are far greater.

Diffenderffer experience that mengilhaminya then write this book. No one, if this book is a guide for managers who want to succeed. Moreover, this book was written, a business leader who had joined the company in large and middle-known world, so the experience Diffenderffer take lessons in the "stories heroism" samurai who spoke in this book, other than it will inspire readers, will also introduce the importance of honor and courage in run the business as firmly held samurai leaders. (kilasberita.com / ibizalion / dtc)



how to reach the succes

Writing is my email over to the community TDA menanggap posting one of the students from the campus "Blankets" which currently has distribution in the number of beautiful Halim, future airport.
Email Ruli pack my colleagues is quite terrible, and very2 inspiring you to make an example. And I remind to you, to get started. Whatever your business will be realized, provided that you are confident to ...
Read the sharing that he open a new store is less than 2 months ..
Congratulations Reading

Just ...
That is the right word for my second story about "Alfira Collection," Yes is 5 WEEKS Farm Charity for us (wife, telling, parents and Mertua) the first to share with the community and the history around Halim.

Jews Alloh mercy will continue running and developing the development of the Community TDA. (Sstt. .. because this is the first charity in the field .. second, third and so on ... Will also be there too ... like Christian Hartsock and Survived tracks Mba Doris, Pak Ashmith .. especially Mr. Hadi Teachers my first time selling first sales also pack a blanket and Eko JUNE.)

The first day I was open beromzet Rp. 85 000 transactions and 3x.
Just up the current in the All Over in the 5 weeks rata2 transaction is 10 x Retail transactions in 1 day, This includes the purchase Bross anak2 of Rp 1,500 rupiah Lhoo ..... (But there is also ... from the morning until night just 1x transactions of Rp. 20.000, for this I am out with a learner AMAL more to anyone on the day, especially in the beggar who came ... Subhanalloh. .. Evening time the store will close, I report that in Mukena take from the "Collection Alfira" Puno Sold dikantornya with our fantastic price ... I)

I notice that provide goods from the Cheap (but not twopenny and have a quality.. Bag purse ...), said trying to test the market to borrow the term from my wife .. I first time I ... Cheap Goods From this Just four .. 1 Week in turnover is up to 6 digits ... mean (x rupiah. x x x. x x x) so ...

Last But Not To LeastThanks ADI Prayitno Pak, Pak FAIF, Mr. Hadi, Mr. Eko, Doris Bu, Bu Roes, Mr. Rony, which are probably not my face ... although often follow-Can you take a chat I also help to achieve Earnings Millions of Rupiah Perhari Bapak2 and Ibu2 ....

Wb Wassalamualaykum Wr
Ruli Saeful Bachri
Owner representatives "Alfira Collection"


- Just ... party blanket purchase more we do not imagine, there are delivered with the purchase of motor 3 days newly completed a similar situation ... .. we even give a warning message to over one hundred pieces are asked to get in line first ...

- Strategy Almasyhur distributions, Headquarters & Reshare Rabbani in the village towards the widths are even more organized, start the exhibition, photo competitions and are now the idea appears to buy a car and dandanin in accordance with our icon .... (Whew mimipi very beautiful) mudah2an thinkers widths can be obtained

-Wonderful!!! Glittering, in http://rajaselimut.com/ there is a direct product of a new long-diincar shop owners baby equipment .. day-night dikejar2 questions at the launching of the Internet ..? Is the answer ... please read [http: / / selimutku.blogspot.com/2007/08/selimut-baby-kiten-bath.html]

No-one since October last year I pasangi counter, this blog until this day have 20,000 visitors wash more ..! Indeed things that never ... so I think the enthusiasm for the bank I ...

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Build a Business

For many years meraup benefit from the results of the business. Then, in a trice, the results weary pains that lost it. Genuine businessman condition is considered reasonable terms. Wheel and the wheels of business like life, sometimes above and below.

Eman Sulaeman, crafters from Nambour, Purwakarta, West Java, is one of the businessmen who have experienced these conditions. Eman its business with capital from the parents.

Male birth Purwakarta, 10 March 1969 start this business ceramics in 1993. Grandfather, grandmother, and both parents have to carry craft clay since 1963.

Therefore, hands-Eman familiar bend contortion of clay. Furthermore, the land that he form a crafts such as animal sculptures, statues Semar, and savings. Eman also be understanding of the business is run.

Eman deep business expertise, the cause boredom. After obtaining a degree from S1 Education IKIP Bandung with the Sudanese English majors in 1991, Eman try a different business, namely, ceramics terakota with the international market segmentation. Meanwhile, parents who choose crafts with a domestic market share.

Requires the international market of high-quality products. So, unmitigated, he chose the raw materials that are also of high quality. To get them, Eman obtain clay from pelumpur. In that place, clay is processed in such a soft. Some people call this land is the land processed mud.

"Land is a fine raw materials for the products of international standard. Meanwhile, both my parents to buy clay in Ciketok and menghaluskannya own. So, there are still some rough grain," he said.

Besides the selection of raw materials, Eman also continue to seek out the color and pattern that is more attractive foreign consumers, namely, the dark color. Meanwhile, the selection of patterns to follow market trends.

Only every few months, Eman friends get together with the second order vase and jar to Taiwan. At that time, Eman order to obtain Rp5 million.

The order continues. Eman become a supplier in a factory in New Deer handicrafts. Each month he procure products worth Rp400 million to the factory. Next, the factory supplies its products to Italy to the United States.

Results of the sale, he traded cars, establish a new factory, and the Indiana PILGRIM. Eman vase and jar dilego worth Rp35 thousand up to Rp250 thousand, with a size of 15 centimeters high up to 250 centimeters with the label robman Wijaya Ceramics

In 2003 to 2006, sales had fallen sharply. Even so, business has been nine years that dirintisnya. Eman did not understand why the conditions suddenly occurred. He used the warehouse, wash sales strategy to cover the losses.

This father of two children sell their products to traders who sell goods REJECT normal. Think, more goods are stored, the more goods will be damaged. "I sold any cheaper, which can be important here and close the capital debt," the story.

At that time, not at all mind their business will go bankrupt. According to him, this is deterioration reprimand from the Almighty. I was introspection or when it is not God gave sustenance.

"For many years running the business, I was more sustenance. If only three years, I would not be given sustenance. That is not the sign that the business will go bankrupt. This is a fair process in a business. What is important is the confidence that when a business will be back again, "he said.

Eman proven confidence, business was back to normal. Learning from experience, Eman and will not fix the wheel with the international market of course. Zero in domestic market as their parents also work.

Menggulungnnya trial again, he failed many times. In fact, take a market share in the land of water thus difficult. Because of the failure of the software, Eman was despair, and stop experimenting. "It may not be paired with local products," he added.

Although Eman has a degree of education, but he does not intend to apply it gelarnya. He was more than happy to do business instead of teaching. Moreover, in 1990, the business center Nambour rapidly. One of them because of Indonesia's former vice president Sudharmono and former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahatir Mohammad visit to the handicraft center Nambour.

According to official visits of foreign and Indonesian craft directly promote Nambour. Currently, the promotion of handicrafts Nambour is less. In some of the exhibition, visitors often becerita to him that they were reluctant to Nambour because they do not know the multiplicity of craft Nambour.

Nevertheless, Eman tersus still trying to craft Nambour still spiked. He believes the business will rise again. Maybe this time fingers in the middle of the wheels down, but a time will be rotating back to the top. (rhs) - NĂºria - Okezone



story for succes

Letra de A Story Of Succes

Somebody mentioned your name,
Some how I got start,
I mentioned that take night
Maybe just the strong of Love.

Something in your eyes,
Only I could see,
Told me you are special,
You are mend for me.

(Hind + Jim)
And from that moment,
I have loved you endlessly
Baby can’t you see.. We are..

The story of succes,
Nothing more nothing less,
We belong in a different world different world
(Bas)That’s how I love you,
The story of succes,
You and I who would ever guess, (Joell)(You and I who would ever guess)
We belong in a different world different world
That’s how I love you
Yeah That’s how I love you..

Some body mentioned your name
And everything changed
You left me breathless
Brought me home again.

You took my heart to dance,
Played my favourite song,
Turned my life in to music,
Yea it goes all along

The story of succes, (Jim)(story of succes)
Nothing more nothing less, (Jim)(nothing more nothing less)
We belong in a different world different world
(Marieke)That’s how I love you,
The story of succes, (Joell)(story of succes)
You and I who would ever guess,
We belong in a different world different world
That’s how I love you

Can you feel it, can you feel it
(Dewi, Marieke, Hind, Yuli, Zosja)
I do believe I love be alone
I love be alone…..
In the heart fait,
And from that moment
I have loved you endlessly
Baby can’t you see.. we are…

The story of succes,
Nothing more nothing less, (Joell)(nothing more nothing less)
We belong in a different world different world
(Dewi)That’s how I love you,
The story of succes, (Jim)(story of succes)
You and I who would ever guess, (Dewi)(who would ever guess)
We belong in a different world (Joell)(We belong) different world (Joell)(we belong)
That’s how I love you

The story of succes,
Nothing more nothing less,
We belong in a different (Dewi)(we belong) world different world
(Jamai)That’s how I love you,
The story of succes, oh oh ,
You and I who would ever guess, (Jim)(who would ever guess)
We belong in a different world (Dewi)(we belong) different world
That’s how I love you
(Dewi)That’s how I love
(Jim)How I love you……….